Sire Aii Tech is your number one stop center for accessing all information related to Carding, Phishing, Hacking and other Internet-Related Crimes. Here will be explained all methods used to hack credit cards, cashing outs, In-store carding and anything you can think of. Everything Posted here is for educational purpose only and cyber-crime cause serious harm and pose very real threats to victims worldwide.


Jumia Ghana

Thursday, 21 February 2019


Useful keyboard shortcuts everyone who loves anything concerned with I.T needs to know.

Know more about your computer.

  1. Ctrl+A - Select All
  2. Ctrl+B - Bold
  3. Ctrl+C - Copy
  4. Ctrl+D - Fill Down
  5. Ctrl+F - Find
  6. Ctrl+G - Goto
  7. Ctrl+H - Replace
  8. Ctrl+I - Italic
  9. Ctrl+K - Insert Hyperlink
  10. Ctrl+N - New Workbook
  11. Ctrl+O - Open
  12. Ctrl+P - Print
  13. Ctrl+R - Fill Right
  14. Ctrl+S - Save
  15. Ctrl+U - Underline
  16. Ctrl+V - Paste
  17. Ctrl W - Close
  18. Ctrl+X - Cut
  19. Ctrl+Y - Repeat
  20. Ctrl+Z - Undo
  21. F1 - Help
  22. F2 - Edit
  23. F3 - Paste Name
  24. F4 - Repeat last action
  25. F4 - While typing a formula, switch between absolute/relative refs
  26. F5 - Goto
  27. F6 - Next Pane
  28. F7 - Spell check
  29. F8 - Extend mode
  30. F9 - Recalculate all workbooks
  31. F10 - Activate Menu bar
  32. F11 - New Chart
  33. F12 - Save As
  34. Ctrl+: - Insert Current Time
  35. Ctrl+; - Insert Current Date
  36. Ctrl+" - Copy Value from Cell Above
  37. Ctrl+’ - Copy Formula from Cell Above
  38. Shift - Hold down shift for additional functions in Excel’s menu
  39. Shift+F1 - What’s This?
  40. Shift+F2 - Edit cell comment
  41. Shift+F3 - Paste function into formula
  42. Shift+F4 - Find Next
  43. Shift+F5 - Find
  44. Shift+F6 - Previous Pane
  45. Shift+F8 - Add to selection
  46. Shift+F9 - Calculate active worksheet
  47. Shift+F10 - Display shortcut menu
  48. Shift+F11 - New worksheet
  49. Ctrl+F3 - Define name
  50. Ctrl+F4 - Close
  51. Ctrl+F5 - XL, Restore window size
  52. Ctrl+F6 - Next workbook window
  53. Shift+Ctrl+F6 - Previous workbook window
  54. Ctrl+F7 - Move window
  55. Ctrl+F8 - Resize window
  56. Ctrl+F9 - Minimize workbook
  57. Ctrl+F10 - Maximize or restore window
  58. Ctrl+F11 - Inset 4.0 Macro sheet
  59. Ctrl+F1 - File Open
  60. Alt+F1 - Insert Chart
  61. Alt+F2 - Save As
  62. Alt+F4 - Exit
  63. Alt+Down arrow - Display AutoComplete list
  64. Alt+’ - Format Style dialog box
  65. Ctrl+Shift+~ - General format
  66. Ctrl+Shift+! - Comma format
  67. Ctrl+Shift+@ - Time format
  68. Ctrl+Shift+# - Date format
  69. Ctrl+Shift+$ - Currency format
  70. Ctrl+Shift+% - Percent format
  71. Ctrl+Shift+^ - Exponential format
  72. Ctrl+Shift+& - Place outline border around selected cells
  73. Ctrl+Shift+_ - Remove outline border
  74. Ctrl+Shift+* - Select current region
  75. Ctrl++ - Insert
  76. Ctrl+- - Delete
  77. Ctrl+1 - Format cells dialog box
  78. Ctrl+2 - Bold
  79. Ctrl+3 - Italic
  80. Ctrl+4 - Underline
  81. Ctrl+5 - Strikethrough
  82. Ctrl+6 - Show/Hide objects
  83. Ctrl+7 - Show/Hide Standard toolbar
  84. Ctrl+8 - Toggle Outline symbols
  85. Ctrl+9 - Hide rows
  86. Ctrl+0 - Hide columns
  87. Ctrl+Shift+( - Unhide rows
  88. Ctrl+Shift+) - Unhide columns
  89. Alt or F10 - Activate the menu
  90. Ctrl+Tab - In toolbar: next toolbar
  91. Shift+Ctrl+Tab - In toolbar: previous toolbar
  92. Ctrl+Tab - In a workbook: activate next workbook
  93. Shift+Ctrl+Tab - In a workbook: activate previous workbook
  94. Tab - Next tool
  95. Shift+Tab - Previous tool
  96. Enter - Do the command
  97. Shift+Ctrl+F - Font Drop down List
  98. Shift+Ctrl+F+F - Font tab of Format Cell Dialog box
  99. Shift+Ctrl+P - Point size Drop down List
  100. Ctrl + E - Align center
  101. Ctrl + J - justify
  102. Ctrl + L - align 
  103. Ctrl + R - align right
  104. Alt + Tab - switch applications
  105. Windows + P - Project screen
  106. Windows + E - open file explorer
  107. Windows + D - go to desktop
  108. Windows + M - minimize all windows
  109. Windows + S – search

Stay safe!! 

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